Rooftop Gardening Techniques Kolkata

Rooftop gardening techniques trendy things of now a days. Urban civilization is raised upon high rises only. According to the recent study in the COVID-19 hullabaloo – a recent report of the shows that 57% of the people who responded to the survey were suffering from mild stress & 11% of them were accounted moderately stressed whereas 4% were already facing severe symptoms of stress and 2% of them were clinically stressed.
The sacrificing of greenery for concrete jungles has been in the trend for years now. And as if to compensate with that, the architects turned to the ancient idea of planting ten plants for every tree that is cut down. So with that being said, the climate concerned architects look to the new techniques that would suffice the casualty that occurs in the making of skyscrapers.
History has witnessed humans growing trees on the great rock of Ziggurat humans who have made a garden of wonder by remarkable engineering. The concept of rooftop gardening is no more a magic trick hidden from you.
With these 5 rooftop gardening techniques, you can turn your rooftop in Kolkata into a place that pleases your eyes!
Best 5 Rooftop Gardening Techniques
1. Placement – It is more than important to decide the place where your new rooftop garden will take place. The task doesn’t stop there. You will need to vitalize the fact if the decided place gets enough light. Neither more nor less.
2. Planting – After the crucial first step is done, you proceed with the next most important thing. That is – planting the right plants at the right place; very carefully. You will need to take care of the counts of plants you are planting don’t get congested and thus, the garden’s aesthetics don’t come to their demise.
3. Drainage – Third part. You need to be very alert with the drainage system as you probably don’t want to turn your rooms’ ceilings into artificial showers. You can use a green roof and for waterproofing, you can add fluid-applied membranes or concrete admixtures.
4. Your Own Sanctuary – As the fuss of life increases day-by-day, night-by-night, it is important to find a place you can breathe without having to think about another important deadline or a place to be. A rooftop turned into a lush green garden is the break your mind will get attached to.
5. Aesthetics – Select plants to match up with your personality and adorn the place with some essentials perhaps some eccentric terracotta plant pots and/or saucers.
Buildings and paved roads are impervious when it comes to plants’ future or health. Planting rooftop gardens above the buildings is another thoughtful step towards the prevention of climate change. It creates resistance towards the fuss we have already done. The governments of West Bengal as well as the governments around the world are being conscious about how the cities can be more efficient without concerning the world environment. These 5 rooftop gardening techniques might adhere to the many celebrated techniques for the same but The Finishing Touch promises you these are the builds needed most for turning the rooftops in Kolkata into comfy garden arenas.
By creating more rooftop gardens in Kolkata, you can be a part of the steps towards the betterment of our beloved planet, beautifying the environment alongside the noble.