Residential & Commercial Landscape Design

Harmonizing Nature with Architecture for a Landscape that Suits Your Style

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Residential Landscape Design in Kolkata

Bringing Nature’s Beauty Right to Your Doorstep

At The Finishing Touch, we transform the residential landscape that reflects your style and also enhances the beauty and functionality of your home. If you are someone who is looking for Residential Landscape Design in Kolkata, with a thorough consultation, we take the time to understand your preferences, lifestyle, and aspirations for your outdoor space. We value your input and with the help of our designs and techniques, we craft what you visualize. 

We believe that every residential landscape is a unique canvas waiting to be adorned with creativity and thoughtful design. We have a clear understanding of your desires, and our team of experienced designers goes to work, framing your ideas into a conceptual landscape design. With the creativity and innovation of nature, we transform your outdoor oasis.

With the proposed landscape design we integrate with your existing architecture and the surrounding environment. We also consider factors such as sustainability, maintenance, and budget constraints to deliver a practical and aesthetically pleasing solution. During the installation and construction phase, our team of professionals brings the design to life, implementing each element to perfection. 

We use high-quality materials and sustainable practices to ensure longevity and minimal environmental impact. As a part of Residential landscape design, we not only provide services for Zen gardens and rooftop terrace gardens but also outdoor furniture and lighting. As a Residential landscape design company in Kolkata, we create designs that align with your preferences and the local environment. 

Our Work

Creating Spaces that Bring Joy and Relaxation through Residential Landscape Design


Residential Landscape


Residential Landscape


Residential Landscape


Residential Landscape


Residential Landscape


Residential Landscape

Commercial Landscape Design in Kolkata

Creating an Ambience that Fuels Creativity and Impress Visitors

The Finishing Touch brings your commercial landscape visions to life with our expert landscape design services. We understand that your outdoor space is a reflection of your business, and our goal is to elevate it to new heights. With inviting features like cafeterias, pergolas, and deck flooring, that not only make a bold statement but also create comfortable spaces that attract people to your business. 

Our team of skilled and imaginative landscape designers Commercial Landscape Design in Kolkata is passionate about turning ideas into reality. Together, we collaborate closely with you to grasp your vision, establish your brand identity, and address your distinct requirements. Whether you are aiming for a modern, sleek look or a lush, green oasis, we tailor our designs to suit your commercial space.

We prioritize functionality and sustainability in our commercial landscape designs. We strive to create outdoor spaces that not only look stunning but also serve practical purposes. Our sustainable practices minimize environmental impact, providing you with a landscape that stands the test of time.

We are your one-stop solution for all your commercial landscape needs. We create a peaceful getaway for hardworking busy professionals who can take a break and relax in the green realm. In the hustle and bustle of the office, everyone needs a break from stress. Our beautiful and calming commercial landscaping provides that peaceful escape for employees. Take a look at our portfolio, and embark on a journey of unparalleled creativity and innovation in commercial landscaping. 

Our Work

Curated Commercial Landscapes to Create a Vibrant and Inviting Environment


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


Commercial Landscapes


What is residential and commercial landscape design?

Residential landscape design involves planning and creating outdoor spaces around homes. It focuses on enhancing the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and usability of the property. Commercial landscape design involves planning and creating outdoor spaces for businesses, institutions, and public areas. It focuses on functionality, aesthetics, and creating inviting environments.

Why is residential and commercial landscape design important?

Residential landscape design provides functional outdoor spaces for relaxation and entertainment. A well-designed commercial landscape enhances a business’s image, attracts customers, and creates a positive environment for employees.

What elements are considered in residential and commercial landscape design?

Elements for residential landscape design include plants, hardscapes (paths, patios), water features, lighting, and outdoor furniture. Elements for commercial landscape include green spaces, walkways, signage, seating, and lighting. Designers may also consider the needs of specific businesses, such as outdoor dining for restaurants or recreational areas for offices.